Analysis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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What causes the lifestyle disease?

• Hypersensitivity to criticism or failure

• Self-isolation from society

• Extreme shyness in social situations

• Avoidance of interpersonal relationships

• Dislike of physical contact

• A sense of inferiority

• Extremely low self-esteem

• Self-loathing

• Distrust of others

• Extreme modesty / timidity

• Avoidance of intimacy

• Self-critical to their problems in relationships with others

• Problems in professional activities

• The feeling of loneliness

• A sense of ”inferiority” in relation to other people

These are a few of the catalysts in

Generalised Anxiety Disorder, as well as some of the symptoms. There are several causes of GAD. Anxiety commonly occurs during the acute withdrawal phase of alcohol and can persist for up to 2 years as part of a post-acute withdrawal syndrome, in about a quarter of people recovering from alcoholism. There is also evidence that chronic exposure to solvents in the work environment can be associated with anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders can arise in response to life stresses such as financial worries or chronic physical illness.

What part of the body is affected?

A few of the most commonly affected areas/common physical effects are:

• Headache

• Muscle tension or pain

• Chest pain

• Fatigue

• Change in sex drive

• Stomach upset

• Sleep problems

What does the disease include?

There are many types of anxiety disorders that include: panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias and generalized anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at times. Many people feel anxious, or nervous, w...

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...anxious thoughts and feelings, so try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night

Relevant statistics comparing third world to first world in terms of this disease.

Recent surveys have shown that as many as 18% of Americans and 14% of Europeans may be affected by one or more anxiety disorders. Globally as of 2010 approximately 273 million (4.5% of the population) had an anxiety disorder. It is more common in females (5.2%) than males (2.8%). In Europe, Africa and Asia, lifetime rates of anxiety disorders are between 9 and 16%, and yearly rates are between 4 and 7% In the United States, the lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders is about 29% and between 11 and 18% of adults have the condition in any given year. These statistics show that first world countries (like the United States) have a higher rate of anxiety disorders compared to a third world country.

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