Analysis Of Adoration Of Jenna Fox

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Adoration of Jenna Fox How much can you retain of yourself before you're not "you" anymore? Eighty percent? Fifty percent? Ten percent? And if you had only a certain percentage of yourself left, are you still you? In the novel “The Adoration of Jenna Fox” by Mary E. Pearson it is a story of how far parents will go to save their only child, and of how far a child will go to become her own person. Jenna Fox is loved by her family, but their adoration goes too far when they scientifically modify her after an accident to save her life, to the point she is barely human. Jenna struggles to discover who she really is. In this novel, the most important choice was to keep Jenna alive, which was made by Jenna’s parents because this affected many people around Jenna, had an impact on Jenna and her future, and her parents made this decision out of adoration. The choice made by Jenna’s parents had an …show more content…

For instance, the author writes, “If I were to marry, I would not grow old with my husband. I could either die two years or outlive him by a hundred. An interesting prospect. What price did Claire pay to keep her only child?” (Pearson 180). This explains how when the time comes to marry or to have children, she would outlive her family. Here, the author is referencing that Jenna feels that Claire went too far to keep her alive. In addition, Mary Pearson writes, “But I know one day, when Kayla is of certain of age, I will travel to Boston in the winter and I will stay there, taking long walks and feeling the softness of the cold snowflakes on my face once again, because no parent should outlive their child,” (Pearson 264). This indicates how Jenna will have to return to Boston, where it is cold, to weaken and eventually die. She wants to do this when Kayla is older because she doesn't want to outlast her daughter. Given these points, it shows how Jenna’s parents had a great impact on her own

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