An Inside Look at Abusive Relationships

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Abusive Relationships is defined as the “systematic pattern of behaviors in a relationship that are used to gain and/or maintain power and control over another” (Huston, 2010). The forms of abuse range from emotional to financial and each has an everlasting effect on the victim. An abusive relationship also has a discrete effect on the mind of the victim; they experience many psychology difficulties pre and post the abuse. Yet despite all these catastrophic consequences to both the mind and body caused by the constant abuse, many of the victims tend to stay in the relationships. The victim’s deal with emotional challenges on a daily basis, they are wounded on both a mental and psychical level, and have to deal with the constant pressure from both society and peers. These issues are well hidden in our society and it barely makes the news headlines thus an individual is never able to figure out why one would choose to stay. Abuse can occur due to many reasons, either abuser is facing difficulties at work or they have a psychology problem controlling them to be over possessive. Yet it is not only the abusers because victims also develop problems that prevent them from breaking free of the relationship.

Abusive Relationships have long deep emotionally scarring effects and it can take ages to heal. It is the very thing that can essentially inhibit a victim from breaking free. Stockholm Syndrome, defined by Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, means “the victim’s emotional bonding with their abuser” (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network , 2009). This is a mental issue that is developed subconsciously and is an involuntary action. It is like a natural instinct that helps the victim survive the harsh and judging environment. Firs...

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...k of being murdered by their abusers as their aggressive nature may just increase if they try to fight back. In fact, I feel as though if the victims become passive then they are at an even greater risk as the abuser may feel they aren’t scared or the pain has no effect on them. In turn, this may cause them to become more violent and use new forms of torture in order to overpower them. Furthermore, I feel as the victim you are constantly being threatened. The abuser may threaten to harm your family and follow you for the rest of your life if you attempt to leave them. So in order to protect their loved ones, they choose to deal with the abuser by themselves. The wounds given by the abuser take a long time to heal and the scars that come with are a constant remainder of the pain. Yet the physical abuse is the very reason that a victim doesn't leave the relationship.

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