An Alcohol Intervention Success Story

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Do you have a loved one who is struggling with alcoholism? Did you know that excessive drinking can cause irreparable damage to the human body, harming the brain, hearts, liver, and pancreas? Chronic alcoholism can also impair the immune system and increase one 's susceptibility to developing cancer or other serious conditions like pneumonia or tuberculosis.[1] Family members and friends of alcoholics must acknowledge that these individuals ' lives may be at risk if they do not get the quality treatment they deserve.

Story of An Alcohol Intervention Success Story
Consider the case of Lynn. Lynn was in critical trouble this year due to her alcoholism. She had drank herself to the point of being mere days from death. When she was admitted …show more content…

Your loved one may be suffering from a co-occurring disorder like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or anxiety. If these underlying issues are not resolved, sobriety will be difficult to sustain.

How do I know if it 's really time for an intervention? I feel like I 'm overreacting.
Alcoholism is typically a condition that an individual can diagnose on their own. It is composed of two key elements among several others. Tolerance occurs when a person must drink more and more in order to achieve the same effects as previous times. Tolerance is a central aspect of addiction. Another sign of an alcohol use disorder is when the individual experiences withdrawal symptoms if the drinking suddenly stops. These symptoms may range from irritation and anger to insomnia and appetite changes. [4]

The above were symptoms that an individual might notice in their own drinking behaviors that point to abuse. However, it is common for alcoholics to be secretive about their habits, developing a separate life that includes their drinking. The following are more obvious signs that your loved one may need an alcohol …show more content…

In fact, studies show that most emerging adults (who live outside their parents ' homes and are able to purchase alcohol at their own leisure) frequently increase their alcohol intake for a time.[5] Eventually, their drinking habits level off as they get adjusted to this new phase of life and take on more responsibilities in the form of careers, marriage, and raising kids. This is considered culturally normative behavior. However, some individuals do not follow the typical path of increasing and then decreasing their alcohol intake. Some individuals ' alcohol intake continues to climb into early adulthood and

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