Advertising by Television, Radio or Billboards

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Advertising by Television, Radio or Billboards We are constantly surrounded by advertising. From television commercials, radio ads, or by a billboard on the road. Television is the strongest medium of advertising, and the most expensive. Television day is broken down into morning, noonday, even and late night. Time is scheduled by eastern standard, pacific. Morning and noonday are generally filled with local shows, game shows and soaps. Evening and late night shows family movies, love movies, movies for kids and movies for adults. Primetime is the most expensive time to advertise, and is during the time when the majority of people are watching tv. Fall is the most expensive time to advertise because this is when the network programming begins. During this time children are returning to school, holidays time is here and what better time to advertise since many people are shopping for things for the occasion. Then at the end of summer things pick up and the cycle begins again. Radio most of us listen to the radio in our car, work or at home. Therefo...

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