The Adverse Effects of "Anti-Social" Media

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The illustrious Albert Einstein once voiced his opinion and stated that, "It has become exceedingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." Einstein’s perspicacious accomplishments have made his name equivalent to “mastermind”. Although the technology was not nearly as advanced in the early and mid-20th century, when Einstein was quoted, his words of wisdom are nevertheless remarkably relevant to the modern-day era of technology, including text messaging and social media. Cell phone and internet usage are arguably beneficial practices in terms of the convenient communication and unlimited issuance of information said technology provides. However, the excessive amount of technology that the adolescent youth is exposed to on a regular basis is detrimental. Statistics have shown that an average of six-plus hours are exhausted on media in a single day by the average user. These users’ ages range anywhere from eight to eighteen. This staggeringly steep number is nearly how long kids spend at school everyday, and roughly matches the number of hours spent sleeping each night. Children are being introduced to a vast variety of technologies, like the television and internet, at a startlingly young age. It is crucial for the parent(s) of children to evaluate the adverse effects such exposure may have on their kids, such as a deprivation of sleep or socializing, decrease in mental maturation, or deficient academics. Some may refute that social and other forms of technological media assist the juvenescent crowd in retaining a regular and repetitive routine of communicating with others. Unfortunately, the youth abuses the privilege to obtain and use technology to the point where such neverending utilization serves as a threat... ... middle of paper ... ...s pressed, anything exposed to the cyberworld is archived forever. Offensive, crude, inappropriate, uncensored and explicit posts can have a variety of negative effects on the postee, including legal and emotional problems. Technology like the internet and texting are inevitable evolutionary steps that our world has adapted to a great deal. They have the ability to provide positive perks to people, however it is the responsibility of those partaking in the social media and messaging to refrain from overindulging in the cyberworld. Like I stated earlier, cell phone and internet usage are arguably beneficial practices in terms of the convenient communication and unlimited issuance of information said technology provides. Nevertheless, the unrestrained amount of technology that the adolescent youth is exposed to on a regular basis is detrimental and must be contained.

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