A Short Biography of William McKinley

1061 Words3 Pages


A. Background information

B. Anecdote

C. Map

Early Life/Student

A. Serious Student

B. Allegheny College

i. Illness caused dropout

C. Worked full-time

ii. Worked as clerk

Military Career

A. Enlisted after war started

B. Went up rankings quickly

i. Went up for courage

C. Fought in savage battles

ii. Battle of Antietam Creek

Lawyer Career

A. Entered Albany Law School

B. Opened Law Office

i. Partner Judge George W. Belden

ii. Opened in Canton, Ohio

C. Met Ida Saxton

iii. Married on January 25, 1871

D. Children

iiii. Had Katie in 1871

iiiii. 1873, had Ida

Political Career

A. Elected to House of Representatives

B. 1891 elected as Governor Of Ohio

C. First term

i. Captured Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico


A. Leon Czolgosz assassin

B. 8 days until dead


A. Map

B. Concluding statement

Huffman 3

William McKinley went through a lot in a lifetime of 58 years old. When he first started his political career, he was elected to the House of Representatives in a heavily Democratic country, even though he was a Republican. People voted for him for his nice personality and was even respected by opposing politicians. Before, McKinley was a soldier in the Civil War. The Civil War alone was an awful experience, but the sadness of his assassination was dreadful. As President McKinley was shaking hands with supporters, Leon Czolgosz was getting ready to do something that will shake America. When McKinley reached out to shake Czolgosz’s hand, he shot two bullets, one deflected...

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...omach. At first, the doctors thought that McKinley would recover from his wound. After a couple of days, he was able to sit up and take food and liquid for the first time. But a couple of days later, McKinley went

into a decline. Doctors realized that the president’s pancreas had been partially destroyed. On September 14, 1901 William McKinley died.

William McKinley had a great life from his birth to his death. His nice personality made him a loved politician. William McKinley’s life will always be remembered, and his legacy in the White House won’t be forgotten.


Feinstein, Stephen. William McKinley

Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2002.

Last modified 2 11, 2014. Accessed April 11, 2014.


“The Life of William McKinley.”


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