Service Recovery

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In providing services to the customers, service recovery is a missing element. The effective service recovery process attracts customers as well as leaves a positive impact on them. Process of service recovery brings customers from their bad feelings and perceptions to the positive edge. Effective service recovery process is a major element in maintaining customer’s satisfaction and loyalty. (John Tschohl)

The service recovery means the service provider taking some effective actions or steps to avoid losses or dissatisfied customers, to change their bad feeling and negative perceptions about the services provided to them, and at the end service providers convert these dissatisfy customers in to satisfy.

In the process of service recovery out of 100 customers who have experienced lacking services, almost 70 out of these 100 tell about their bad experiences to others and this will lead to the bad image of the organization. And sometimes out of those 100 clients who experience bad services 75 clients tell their bad experiences to almost nine family members and friends and through this process a lot many people become dissatisfied with the services or the may make bad perceptions about the service providing organization. It is considered that the customers are always satisfied when there are positive situations in the process of service recovery. So it is important thing that the service providers take responsive actions to avoid bad perceptions by people about the service and through this process they can easily maintain their good relationships with the customers which enhance the profits of the organizations.(Kennedy et al,1993).

Concept of customer perception is self motivated so if the relationship of the customer with the or...

... middle of paper ... programs need to be formulated that deals with the differences in complaints and customers. Unluckily still there is a lack to understand the evaluation processes of different types of complaints by different type of consumers of service recovery efforts and their effect on outcomes such as customer satisfaction and loyalty. (Christo Boshoff, Ed Peelen, Marian Hoogendoorn, Yolanda van der Kraan).

Service recovery are the actions which an organization takes in response to service failure. It is a complete and proper plan to bring an angry customer to the satisfactory state with the firm after a service or a goods has failed to live up to opportunity. Service failure may take place before the happening, on the spot, within the delivery of the service or after a complain has been fixed, and it can be related to a specific deal or a business contract in general.

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