Case Study Of ULL Bus Stop

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The ULL bus stop is something students and faculty walk by and use every day. It is a very visible part of ULL and has been looked passed and it is apparent that it has been neglected for years. Our Action Project is focusing on not only adding on to the bus stop, but also the renewal of what is already there. Our project topic is something that is important because the current bus stop does not meet certain needs.
When you are at the bus stop to go to Cajun Field and you look at the covering you will notice that it is falling apart. There are holes and exposed wood and in some placing it is rotting. There has been many times the line for the bus exceeds the bus stop so people are left in the open area, which is an inconvenience when it is windy or rains. With its current configuration, the bus stop can accommodate approximately 90 people and with our modifications it would be able to fit about 250 people. As of the Fall of 2015 there are 16,729 degree seeking students at ULL (Lord). The bus stop only being about to hold 90 students at a time simply isn’t enough. We also plan on making the new design ADA accessible because with the current design of the bus stop it is very hard for a handicap person to gain access to the entrance of a …show more content…

Students walk past it every day and nothing gets done about it. Our group has noticed these unfavorable aspects of the bus stop and are fighting for the ability to improve the bus stop for all UL students and faculty alike. With the help of several organizations on campus, this improvement to a vital part of the transit system will not be costly to the University. To bus riders an ideal bus stop is one that provides easy access to the bus, is convenient, and safe (Bus Shelters - Project for Public Spaces). The bus stop should provide riders protection from weather, and a feeling of safety and security (Bus Shelters - Project for Public

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