Marriot's Leadership Style And Values

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Through his leadership style and values, J.W. Marriot Jr. provides a great example of the type of leader I would like to become. I am able to follow Marriot’s examples as a leader and apply them to my own leadership style and development since we share similar personality traits. Learning that Marriot is shy and tends to be private, like myself, has allowed me to see that I can be a successful leader as well, despite being an introvert. One of Marriot’s leadership strategies that aligns with a Serving Leader’s style is leading by example, which he called “management by walking around”. If Marriot wanted his employees to implement certain tactics, he would do so first to set an example for others to follow instead of only verbally directing his employees. Furthermore, Marriot would visit and personally inspect each Marriot establishment and make himself visible and available to his employees. Based on his leadership style, Marriot is the type of leader I want to become because leading by example allows others to respect me, since they know I would be able to do the work. Also, making myself available to others would allow them to see me as someone who is willing to help them when they are in need. I would incorporate both of these specific tactics …show more content…

Marriott and Robert Kennedy into my own leadership development. Both of these leaders have inspired me to lead by example and to be more confident to stand up for what I believe in, while disregarding what others may think of me. I can apply these leadership strategies in my case team by being willing to state opposing viewpoints that I may have with my teammates and persistently express my viewpoints when brainstorming and planning. Although I may have opposing viewpoints, I will strive to have more confidence in explaining them and making sure to back up my viewpoints with factual data and analysis to bring value to my

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