Analysis Of A Digital Badge For Civility At Work

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A Digital Badge for Civility at Work In a traditional sense, certificates of achievement signified completion of a skill learned and accomplished that was received by a student or employee from a teacher or instructor. For example, an employee may receive recognition for perfect attendance or a piano student for memorizing piano scales. Digital badges serve as a technically updated version of paper certificates. Raish and Rimland (2016) informed that “Digital badges are an educational innovation used to measure learning of specific skills, such as information literacy” (p. 87). Digital badges can be accessed on online and may include a link to show the criteria, such as coursework that was completed to earn the digital badge. Author John …show more content…

1). One benefit of civility is that it can elevate employees to higher status positions, because “Across many types of decisions—who to hire, who will be most effective in teams, who will be influential— civility affects judgments and may tip the balance toward those who are respectful” (Porath, Gerbasi, & Schorch, 2015, p. 1536). Civility is a necessity not only from employee to employee, but also employee to clients whether it is face-to-face, via phone, or on the internet. Han and Brazeal (2015) stated that “civil discourse can increase people’s participatory intentions” (p. 26). People are more likely to do business and repeat business with those who practice civility on a daily basis. Employees are more likely to seek work in a civil atmosphere where their opinions and contributions are valued and employees who practice civility may be more likely to be sought out for leadership positions. Emotional intelligence includes civility. Employees tend to repeat positive behavior skills witnesses in the workplace. It is important for civility to be adopted and to be a normal part of the organizational culture. Clark (2014) stated, “Creating and sustaining a civil workplace is an imperative” (p. 18). Mary Wortley Montagu is the author of the quote, “Civility costs nothing and buys everything” (2016, p. 1). This sums up so well …show more content…

An employer can create an application online to host the Civility at Work digital badge which contains the metadata associated with the achievement. Employees can take an on-line pre-survey to assess their knowledge and experience in civility with 20 yes and no questions. Next, employees can take a webinar course online. Lastly, the employees can take a post-survey to assess their learning skills with 20 true and false questions. Those who pass with a score above 70% earn a digital badge in Civility at

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