The Trait Theory: The Contrast Approach To The Trait Theory

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The trait approach is understanding the human personality that identifies and measures the degree to which certain personality traits. The trait theory tends to look at different traits and see whether you have the trait or how you fit into the five dimensions that is being measured. Whether you are more closed minded or open to new experiences it shows which one you are from the various questions you answered throughout the quiz. Looking at the results from this test how it says about being more closure to close minded then open to new experiences meaning when it comes to something new that I tend to shy away from something that I’m not familiar, sticking to something I tend to be more familiar with then something that’s new. Another trait …show more content…

Rather than falling behind or losing materials that you’re organize and tend to keep things where you can find them easily. Introverted being shy or nervous with talking in front of the class where you tend to keep away from doing something in front of a class full of students or even working in groups. Introverts sometimes prefer to work alone and spend time by themselves rather than hanging out at parties, or social event that may make them uncomfortable or feel out of place. They also tend to have fewer friends because of socializing tends not to be a big part of the personality. Along with being mot calm/relaxed being able to keep calm about things and try to become stressed over things as easily. …show more content…

However, I feel when it comes to being conventional, I feel that I’m more of original then conventional because, of how I tend to be more creative and curious about things happening around me and usually tend to wonder a lot. Especially with my field choice early childhood I feel that being creative is another important trait so I feel that because of the field and just in general that at times I’m more of an original then being conventional because at times I tend to be more of a curious but, I do tend to be a down to earth person so I feel like with this one I’m somewhere in the middle with this one. Looking at all the other results I think they were pretty accurate because, looking into them they do seem to sound like traits I have or would consider that I have at

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