Analysis Of The Myers-Briggs Personality Test

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The bases of this paper will be based on the results that I had obtained when I took the Myers-Briggs personality test. The results that I had obtained was that I was determined to be an ENFJ. I will go into depth about letter and how each represents that a specific aspect of my personality. The results that I had received were not what I had expected, but the more I read about the trait the more I realized how it suited me. I will also talk about the information that I had found useful from the book, Type Talk at Work: How the 16 Personalities Types Determine Your Success on the Job by Otto Kroeger, which gave me insight on how to interact with other personality types especially in the work environment. The information that I absorbed from the personality test and from the book will go into use in my personal and work life so that both environments will be cohesive and peaceful. Myers-Briggs Personality Test Results Introduction After taking this personality test I could not decide if I felt that my results were accurate about me or not. The personality test resulted in describing me as an extravert, intuitive, feeling, and judging (Humanmetrics, …show more content…

This is especially true for those that work with others on a daily bases or those who have a managerial role. "For our purposes, we 'll define it as the intentional use of power with individuals or groups toward some desired end." (Kroeger, Section II, Chapter 6, page 66, para 1, each personality type has a different type of leadership style and it impacts individuals and groups in different ways. At the end of chapter six there is a chart that gives you tips on how to deal with each personality type, I believe that this tool is useful for all leaders to be successful. I found it to be extremely insightful and plan to use these tips through my journey through work and I believe they will be useful outside of work

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