Religion's Role In Film

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Religion plays a major role in both the film and in the life of Joan. In both the film and in history, we see Joan persecuted by the very church that sanctioned her. Looking at the notes from her trial, Joan referenced the voices she heard and ardently stated she would only say what God allowed her to. (Champion, 1932) Both in the film and in the trial notes, Joan claims to have heard the voices of St. Catherine, St. Margret and St. Michael, accompanied by a heavenly light. Joan’s testimony at her trail show that nearly every aspect of her life was dictated to her by her voices. (Champion, 1932) Reading Joan’s testimony at her trial, she seems wholly convinced of the righteousness of her cause and that God is on her side. Joan even told those who judged her to take care in how they did so, as she was sent by God, which we also see in the film. Looking at her trial testimony, she is seen glorifying God in everything she says and does. Her faith is clearly a primary aspect of her identity. (Champion, 1932) Joan was not the first military leader to have claimed direct divine guidance. The Roman Emperor Constantine, claimed to have received a vision from God, telling him to conquer in the sign of Christ. …show more content…

She claimed that her voices had told her that the Burgundians would certainly be punished if they did not do as God willed. In her trial, she also testified that her voices had told her where to find a sword buried behind the alter at the church of St. Catherine, which, when sent for, was found where she said it would be. Joan also claimed to have foreknowledge of an injury she received in battle and that she had told the king about it before it happened. Joan also prophesied that the English would suffer a great defeat in seven years’ time and lose all of France. These are just a few of the instances in which Joan claimed to have received foreknowledge from her voices. (Champion,

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