Reflection On Oxfam

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During the past 12 weeks of learning this module, I have discovered and learnt so much about myself that I have never known up until now. I have always been a shy team member who just kept themselves to themselves and simply got on with the job at hand. This may be due to me having a stronger preference for working or studying in an organised and systematic way. As part of the module, we had to take part in an Oxfam Fundraising event that saw groups made up of four to five team members come up with a product or service in which they could sell to raise money for Oxfam. Although I have studied Events Management and have run many events beforehand, I was immediately apprehensive when I heard about the exercise. Instead of shying away from the experience, I choose to place myself in a situation that would be challenging for myself and would help to develop me as an individual. I choose to undertake the role of the leader within the group as well as the plant who generated ideas. This meant I had to delegate work loads, chair meetings, express my own opinions and thoughts, motivate other...

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