Persuasive Essay On Zoos Vs Wild

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How many of you have gone to the zoo and thought about how sad the animals? Are but have you ever thought that maybe the zoo is a good place for the animals. I believe that the zoo is better place for animals than the wild. Zoos help sick and hurt animals, they keep animals safe from from poachers and hunters and lastly they help animal mate and breed successfully.

Firstly zoos help sick and hurt animals. In the wild if an animal is sick or hurt they will most probably die, decreasing the animal population and increasing the chance of extinction for that animal. Animals are cared and treated for in a zoo, they are looked after until they are 100% better even then they are still very well looked after. You might be thinking “well it is natural for animals to die or who cares if just one animal dies”, well then think of it this way if you were hurt or sick you would like people to care …show more content…

They keep them safe from poachers and hunters. In the wild they would be hunted for their fur,meat, tusks and sometimes just for fun. According to ‘In Defense of Animals’, over 200 million animals are reported killed by hunters in the United States every year.40 million animals are killed every year worldwide just for their fur and 84 rhinos were killed in 2008 just in Zimbabwe. In zoos animals are protected against poachers and hunters, by keeping poacher and hunters out, there fore letting their population be able to grow.

Lastly, many zoos have breeding programs which helps endangered species grow their population. In the wild some animals find it hard to find a mate and to successfully breed. At zoos they have professionals which make sure that the breeding goes successfully and that the baby grows into a strong and healthy adult. If you still don't believe that animals should be kept in zoos another option is an animal sanctuary where animals are able to run free but still have the care of a human if

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