Why Are Zoos Worth The Entertainment

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Zoos; Are They Really Worth the Entertainment?

The issue of zoos being detrimental to the creatures they house has been debated on for centuries. This topic brings in ethical and moral dilemmas on how we treat our beautiful wildlife today. Some argue and say that zoos conserve the animals that are on the brink of extinction, while many believe the capitation and stimulated environment is not in the best interest of these animals. No matter what the argument, wild animals are not meant to be kept in a small artificially stimulated environment all their life. The argument of zoos saving animals from extinction will put forward the reasoning on why a stimulated environment and zoos in general are not beneficial to these creatures.

While Zoos are a popular source of entrainment today often people forget that our entertainment is at the expense of some beautiful creatures, who are not enjoying the Zoo experience as much as the …show more content…

The National Zoo in Washington D.C has lost several of their most popular animals due to this, " On Jan. 11, two adult male red pandas were found dead in their pen. Officials suspect that rat poison pellets buried on the grounds just 24 hours earlier killed the pandas" (The New York Times). This was not the only incident this zoo experienced, two of the zoos Zebras also died from starvation due insufficient/incorrect foods. Most wildlife requires food that is not so easy for the zoo staff to provide, while other creatures aren't so hard to accommodate for. Snakes are one of the simple creatures to provide meals for, usually just one whole mouse. Birds that are housed in zoos are hard to prepare food for because they require minuscule amounts of a lot of things combined with exact measurements and must be mixed a certain way, leaving more room for human error. Zoos are not equipped enough to meet the specific food needs of every unique animal they have

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