How To Protect Animals Essay

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Scientifically tested animals are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act. The majority of animals scientists use for testing, are not protected by the AWA. The AWA does not protect the animals that need to be protected the most. “Does not protect mice, rats, farm animals, or all cold blooded animals” (3). “26 million animals are used for testing just in the United States, and 95% are not protected by the AWA” (3). Most scientists refuse to protect animals used for testing because it is expensive to keep animals healthy and in good conditions. Because animals are not protected by the AWA ,they are kept in very poor facilities. “ AWA has the minimum standards that animals have to be fed, hydrated, and kept in a sanitary environment” (1). Testing facilities do not follow this rule because the animals are not protected. Animals die because of the horrible conditions they are kept in. For example, crammed areas where animals are deprived of food and water.

Animals tested …show more content…

For example, the eye test is killing and blinding animals. Cosmetics will be put into animals eyes to see the irritation, but if it is not harming the animal, scientists will keep on testing on the animal until it goes blind. The LD50 test is used to find which dosage of chemical will kill the animal. In the test, the scientists will keep on adding chemicals to the animal, until they realize what dosage is harmful. It is called the LD50 test because 50 percent of the animals used for this test die. “Britain and Europe ban animal testing for cosmetics because it is inhumane, but the U.S is one of the few places it has not been banned” (2). Cosmetic testing on animals is unnecessary and should be banned everywhere because it is not a necessity to people’s life. Unlike cancer tests, cosmetic tests are not benefiting anyone's life. Much of the testing is unnecessary, by killing so many animals per year, we are implying animals lives are

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