Persuasive Essay Against Zoos

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Have you ever felt like you were trapped in a cage and all alone? Where people are just watching you and not helping you escape. Well animals in zoos feel this way just for our entertainment. They are being hurt and dying in the fenced in area for us to just look at them. The articles “Animal-rights group complains about Pittsburgh Zoo elephants” and “Argentine court’s ruling gives basic human rights to captive ape at zoo” give reasons why zoos should be abolished. Zoos are not beneficial because they are unsafe and they do not have good practices. Also, since animals are similar to humans, they should have some of our basic rights.
Zoos are unsafe for many different reasons, but one important reason is it has lead to many injuries. As stated in the article “Animal-rights group complains about Pittsburgh Zoo elephants”, “46, year old handler Mike Gatti, was killed when a mother elephant pushed her head on his chest …show more content…

According to “Animal-rights group complains about Pittsburgh Zoo elephants,” the zoo spokesman said, “The primary reason the herding dogs are working with our team is for the safety for our staff.” As one can see now, the staff doesn’t seem to mind that animals are getting hurt to protect them. What is the difference between you and an animal? Well sure they walk on four feet, chase their tales, and go to the bathroom outside. However, they still can feel pain, think, and survive as individuals. In one instance, according to “Argentine court’s ruling gives basic human rights to captive ape at zoo,” they gave an orangutan basic human rights. Soon after the court decided to start looking for a new home for Sandra. She was born into captivity and lived there for twenty years. Luckily for her she can now be free from the harsh conditions of the zoos. Since animals are an important figure in our lives, we should give them the rights they

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