Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Yes we should have zoos. They help species that are endangered survive, they can and have even introduced animals into the wild. Many times as well zoos have taken in animals that are being abused.
Zoos all around the US are homes too many animals, some of these are animals that are an endangered species. When these species are doomed or be extinct from there natural habitat due to human cause shouldn’t we make a point to give them a new home and put them back into their old home. The golden frog is a animal that is almost entirely extinct from its natural habitat due to a toxic fungi. Zoos all across the US have been breeding this symbol of panama with hopes of maintaining biodiversity for the animals. Although reintroducing an animals into the wild is often a very rare success story there have been accounts in the US that were successful. One example is the red wolf in the southeastern portion of the US. …show more content…

Also being able to visit a zoo can make a person feel like they understand nature better by seeing how these animals may act in a habitat that is somewhat similar to where they would live in the wild. It is argued that zoos are a shepa way to see how these animals would act in the wild. You could also do something like in Rwanda to see gorillas in the wild, but this is 750 dollars for a chance to see something that's not even guaranteed. Zoos are just more convenient to the public to see these animals as

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