Persuasive Essay On Why Should Schools Start Later?

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We have all had mornings where you felt like you just couldn’t get up because you were so exhausted. What if I told you there was a way to not have those anymore? Teens/adolescents all around the world struggle just like you to get up in the morning. Then when we get to school still tired we are expected to perform at our absolute best? Starting school later could give teens the sleep they need to execute their very best work at school. People have a lot of problems with waking up early and going to their school for 7-8 hours. It is not a rare issue. Schools should start later because teens aren’t getting enough sleep, there are a lot of risks to lack of sleep, and students perform better when they get more rest. Teens just like you and me are not getting enough sleep. We can not perform like parents and teachers expect us to while getting under the recommended amount of sleep. Better academic …show more content…

Unfortunately, these risks are even more common for teens to obtain. “Why Should School Start Later in the morning” by Emily Richmond says that, “CDC and Pediatricians have found risks that come with lack of sleep including higher rates of obesity and depression, vehicle accidents among teens, and lower academic performance” (7). Texting and driving is not the only cause of accidents on the road. Depression is a serious issue today among teens and lack of sleep is one of the reasons. Parents should care because these risks could permanently damage or even kill their kids. Even if it wasn't their child driving they could still get in a car wreck because of a teen driver suffering from lack of sleep. Coaches should care because if their kids become obese they wouldn't be able to perform as well for the team. This is important because some of these risks can be a matter of life or death in some situations. Knowing all these risks makes me feel that later start times would be in teens very best

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