Leukemia Informative Speech

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Cancer is not anything to mess with; especially when it comes down to leukemia. Leukemia is a cancer killing numerous of people daily. Sadly some of them I know. If I'm the only person in this world that hates cancer then I guess I'm crazy. Leukemia Is a dangerous form of cancer and us people need to pay attention to symptoms and try to prevent it the best way possible.
Leukemia has many symptoms that affects the body. When it affects you, you will definitely know. Some of the symptoms include, pain in the bones or joints, fatigue and weakness that don't go away with rest. ( Verneda Lights ), and losing weight without trying( mayo clinic). If you are feeling any of these symptoms you are probably diagnosed with leukemia cancer. At any point you feel those symptoms you should contact your doctor.
In case you're wondering what leukemia is, let me tell you. Leukemia is cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, which is also involved with the bone marrow. Leukemia is …show more content…

( Mayo Clinic)
Leukemia forms in an easy way. Leukemia is thought to form when the blood cells start to mutate in humans DNA. There might be other changes that may not have been classified yet. Certain abnormalities cause the cell to grow and divide rapidly and continue living when the other normal cells die. Over time, these abnormal cells can crowd out healthy blood cells in the bone marrow, leading to less healthy white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. ( Mayo Clinic )
To help which treatments you should see a hematologist-oncologist. A hematologist-oncologist are doctors who specialize in blood disorders and forms of cancer. The treatments usually depend on the stage and type of the cancer you may have. ( Verneda Lights ). Another type of treatment is Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses many drugs to kill off leukemia cells. You can take different doses of the drug which is, a single dose, or a dose that includes many

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