Human Resource Sergeant Profession

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Human Resource Sergeant Profession of Arms When thinking about profession and the human resource Sergeant, many things come to mind. I first thought about how we are often the face of service for many. How we take care of the many problems of the force and usually are never seen for the work performed. Professions produce uniquely expert work, not routine or repetitive work (Abbott 1998). In the Army we all strive to be better and more proficient at our jobs. Human resources Sergeants are no different in that goal of honing our skills. The Balancing Role of the Profession’s Leaders The job of Soldier and of human resources Sergeant is a twofold job. One to be honed and sharpened as a fighting Soldier. The other is to be technically proficient at our military occupational specialty. Keeping our younger Sergeants …show more content…

Soldiers have different roots and upbringing as well as backgrounds. Keeping all these different backgrounds together and still at the end of the day accomplishing our mission is the Army’s goal. Leaders use self-awareness and mental agility to see if things are going well or need (to be) changed within their teams and unit. They can identify with their Soldiers and help if needed. As a good leader once told me, “one bad apple can ruin the bunch”. Not being proactive when change is needed can make the culture of the unit very toxic. All units have command climate surveys and equal opportunity Soldiers within their units. This helps make the work force more aware of others feelings and attitudes toward each other. Having these in place promotes the changes that we need to make our work place better, and our Army stronger. Not only does this effect the way we work with Soldiers, but with the people outside our organization as well. This is especially important as human resource Soldiers. We are the face that most of these people encounter and form what opinion our units and the Army is to

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