Benefits Of Military Service In The Military

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Compulsory military service means that it is mandatory for people to serve or they go to jail. The United States has what is called Selective Service, this means men must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. After registering, men will be called in for the draft if needed. Men over the age of 18 will be called in to service and fight in the ongoing war if there are not enough personnel. Though the draft has not been used since 1973, it is a low-cost insurance policy for our country. Women are not subjective to this, but they have been able to fight in combat situations since 1991. Military service should be mandatory in the United States because it teaches respect, how to learn quickly and be adaptable, and develops essential life …show more content…

For example, let's say your team id put on a scouting mission. Is the group more likely to listen to a person yelling at them saying their ideas are wrong or listen to a person that takes everyone's opinion into through and come up with an idea everyone agrees on? Having respect for others in your unit or housing or team is important to work together and get the job or jobs done. One thing the military does is break you down as a person. Now this sounds harsh, but they do this for a reason. Breaking people down makes them listen and understand themselves more, knowing their limits. After this happens that person learns and has respect. Now they respect the higher-ranking personnel. When an officer is near a person that cadet or whomever it may be must stand straight with their hands behind their back and call them by their ranking and last …show more content…

The first concern would be being that forcing someone to do something is taking their free will away. Also, not everyone is made for the military just as not everyone is made for sports. The reason the US's military is so strong is because it is voluntary. The people that make it through basic training are people who were built to do hard activities every day all day. Scott Smith was in the army, and he is what they call a forgotten veteran. This means he served in the military but because there were no wars others in the military do not consider him a veteran. He said, "I had to respect others in higher ranks. Calling them by their last name and ranking. Standing straight with my hands folded behind my back." He also said that a person must work through pain and personal issues. For someone to work through a broken toe or a deep cut they must have a very high pain tolerance. Not everyone can do

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