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Graphology, also known as Writing Psychology, it is the study of handwriting. Very old and still in use today, it is supposed to reveal a person's attributes from their handwriting.

But you can ask yourselves, how this is done? What does a graphologist look at when in analyzing your handwriting?

There are five important aspects the analyzer will examine: first he will examine the dimensions of the letter; their height and width. Next he will analyze the form of the writing; then inclination, pressure applied when writing, and finally if your writing forms attached or detached letters.


The average height of handwriting is five millimeters. As a reference point the lines on a typical loose-leaf piece of paper are seven millimeters apart. Large handwriting which ranges from five to ten millimeters corresponds to the writers' need for expansion. He is vain. However, his imagination is large and fertile. His concern for the readability of his handwriting denotes his honesty. On the other hand, small handwriting - two to five millimeters - reveals the writers' attention for detail. The writers' intelligence is acute however he is relatively closed-minded. A succession of large and small letters is a sign of an emotional and unstable person.

I need two volunteers please. How about you, Mark, and Maria. Could you please write 'German is my favorite class'(you suck ups).

Form of the writing:

There are three forms of writing; rounded, as you can see here; angular writing; and ovals, open versus closed.

Rounded: rounded writing is a consequence of smooth movement, by nature the writer is kind and sociable. He is also indulgent. If the writing is rounded to the point where ovals are near perfect cir...

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...seen in Mark's handwriting, here and here. This is a sign of a well-balanced person with deductive and intuitive qualities. He is usually objective and reasonable. A person who groups letters by syllables indicates possible musical aptitude. Someone who attaches all letters together is typically very logical, it is also a sign of a cultivated person who takes initiative. Finally, someone who writes with fully detached letters relies more on intuition than logic or reasoning. They pay more attention to concept rather than details. Theorists tend to write with detached letters.


It is obvious that graphology is not an exact science. Some people say that it is not a science at all, however many people find a person's handwriting may reveal much about them and may judge you by your handwriting.

What do you think? Does graphology have any value?

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