Emotional Intelligence: Four Types Of Emotional Intelligence

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"Any one can be angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way- that is not easy." -Aristole

Emotional Intelligence is an individual’s ability to recognize not just his own, but also other people’s emotions, to differentiate among different feelings and categorize them appropriately, to apply the motional information to assist behavior and thinking, and to use these emotions to take decisions and achieve individual as well as organizational goals. Michael Beldoch, in 1964, first coined this term. It is the ability of an individual to understand the interpersonal dynamics in a group setting. Mainly
D. Mayer, D. R. Caruso, & P. Salovey, 1999). It proposes that ability to process emotional natured information and their ability to associate it to a wider cognition by the individuals vary considerably. As per the model, there are four types of abilities that an individual possesses as a part of their emotional intelligence. They are perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions.
Mixed model introduces emotional intelligence as a set of competencies and skills which anchors leadership performance (Goleman, D. (1998)). This model outlines five constructs- Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Social skill, Empathy and Motivation. Goleman includes an array of emotional competencies in each Emotional intelligence construct. Emotional competencies are learned capabilities rather than innate talents, and thus should be worked on and developed to achieve enhanced
But the concept became more popular after Daniel Goleman’s book called “Emotional intelligence” in 1995. So in order to understand emotional intelligence we have gone through various such studies related to our topic.
Howard Gardener (1983) described EI as consisting of adaptive skills, where an emotionally intelligent person has a deep awareness of his/her emotions and the ability to use that information to guide the behavior.
A form of intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions. (Salovey & Mayer, 1990)
Peter Salovey & John D. Mayer (1990) examined EI of more than 300 men and women of ages varying from teens to 50s. the result was that on an average adults had higher EQ. There was a small but constant and compelling change in EQ as the age increases. After carrying out further more tests and analyzing them they revised their definition which is now most widely used.
The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and to regulate emotions to promote personal growth. (Salovey & Mayer,

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