A Comparison of the Front Cover of a Tabloid Newspaper and a Broad Sheet Newspaper

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A Comparison of the Front Cover of a Tabloid Newspaper and a Broad Sheet Newspaper

The main aim of this essay is to compare the front covers of a tabloid

newspaper and a broad sheet newspaper. The tabloid newspaper which I

will be studying and analysing is the Sunday Mirror published on the

16th of May. Tabloid newspapers a very much different from a broad

sheet newspapers in many different ways. Some first impressions you

get from this newspaper the Sunday Mirror is that it is straight up

and in your face with its big snappy headlines and its bold bright

colours. The content that you get in this paper is typical of a

tabloid newspaper. It contains stories on celebrities and has a lot of

scandals and informal news. The broad sheet newspaper I will be

studying and analysing is The Sunday Times published and varies in

many ways from a tabloid newspaper. Straight away looking at this

paper the front cover is set out very different from the tabloid

newspaper. There a no snappy big headlines and bold bright colours but

instead there are smaller more formal headlines with a large amount of

detail written beneath. The page has a lot more on it and the print

font a lot smaller. Already from first impressions the differences

between the two papers are clear.

In 1903 Alfred Harmsworth established the Daily Mirror, a newspaper

"for gentlewomen". Kennedy Jones was put in charge of the project and

spent £100,000 in publicity, including a gift scheme of gilt and

enamel mirrors. The readership of this newspaper is people of a

working class who work in more non-skilled labouring jobs such as

plumbing, building or maybe a truck driving. The reason for this is

that it is a very easy to read paper as it is quite chatty and

informal and is also much cheaper than the broad sheet. People like

this are those who want a quick light bit of entertainment, which they

can understand and read with ease. They do not want to know about

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