Challenges Of Working In Nursing Case Study

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As much as working is very demanding especially as a nurse so is studying also. There are so many challenges which are involved in working and studying at the same time, some of which are: Goal, Finances, Stress, Time Management and Socialization. These challenges have both positive and negative effects on working and studying. As a matter of fact, it takes one determination and commitment to be able to combine the two at the same time and still be able to achieve ones aim. Mostly the goal of working is to be able to live a good life, be independent and to also enable you to live a better life. Another purpose of working is to be able to take care of your needs and your family. Nursing is a very good profession so studying to become a nurse is a good goal as this will make one become a professional and more respected in the community. …show more content…

The presence of accumulated stress and heavy work load on the brain automatically bring about the student or the employee inability to multitask; knowing fully well that multitasking is one essential key to excellence. Time management is another challenge, as a student and also a worker, you need to really know how to plan and manage your time in terms of studying, taking care of your family and schools with the assignments from school. Time, if not properly managed can bring about schedule conflict, both working and studying are time consuming but you need to set aside a particular for studying when all you do is mainly studying and nothing more. Set the time when to cook for the family to avoid late food all the time thereby making your family members eat junks which might lead to gaining excessive weight or

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