Essay On Intuitive Eater

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Congratulations! You are now taking the first step toward becoming an intuitive eater. In this workbook and journal you will find motivation, inspiration, and information to help you grow in your personal journey to wellness.
Throughout this journey, you will realize that you can have a healthy rela- tionship with food and a positive body image. Intuitive eating will allow you to be free from restrictions or guilt in regard to eating. This workbook was created to give you the tools to live the best life you can, to free you from your preoccupation with food, and to help you live mindfully.
It takes a minimum of 21 days to form a new habit. After completing this intuitive workbook, mindfulness at the table will be a habit for you. In the beginning, you may be eating one intuitive meal a day, but as time goes on you will find yourself making more intuitive food choices.
Set aside a specific time each day to complete the daily reading and activity in order to finish the workbook in 21 days. Use the prompted …show more content…

I developed this journal after years of trial and error in recovery from an eat- ing disorder. I spent most of my teen years obsessed with the number on the scale and the number of calories I had burned and eaten in a day. I would count my calories, restricting myself, only to “fail” and overeat the next day. The day after that I would over-exercise to burn the extra calories off and devise a new weight goal to start another unrealistic diet—this continued for years. When I discovered intuitive eating I learned to trust my body, stop counting calories, and over-exercising. I started listening to my body instead of my mind, learned what it felt like to be hungry and full (it took me a few months to fully understand my hunger signals), and began to recognize if I wanted to eat due to emotions or true physical

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