Winston Churchill Research Paper

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“I have nothing to offer but blood, tears and sweat” (Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)) these words are from Winston Churchill. You may know him from his time spent as Prime Minister or from some books he wrote. He was a stubborn yet courageous leader. In this biography you will hear all about Nobel Prize winner and Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874 in Oxfordshire, England. The home in which he was raised in was called Blenheim Palace. This home was given to one of his ancestors, the Duke of Marlborough. (Winston Churchill ) The Queen gave it to him. Winston’s father was a big politic guy himself. He was a Tory Democrat. His father was Lord Randolph Churchill. Winston and his father …show more content…

Winston’s mother was a daughter of a New York business man. Her name was Jenny Jerome. Winston idolized his mother even though she had such a hectic social life. Jenny’s second child, Jack, was rumored not to have the same father as Winston (Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)). There were also rumors that Winston’s mother had numerous lovers. She died many years later from gangrene. Winston first went to a Preparatory school. Everyone says he had some trouble in school. He also had a slight speech impediment. In 1988 he went to Harrow. He studied lowest level courses until he would pass the test to move to more advanced classes. Winston’s academic record was poor. He did however win a prize for reading a portion of “Lays of Ancient Rome” by Thomas Macaulay aloud. He then left Harrow in 1893. Churchill wanted to join Royal Military College in Sandhurst. He failed the entry test three times. He then passes and was eligible to attend. After he had joined the college his academic record improved. Winston graduated in 1895. He graduated with honors and 8th in his class. After he graduated he joined the army. The …show more content…

He married a woman named Clementine Hozier Clementine was born Aprl 1, 1885. They were married on September 12, 1908. They first met four years earlier in 1904. Winston Churchill had asked Clementines mother, Lady Blanche Hozier, requesting consent for their marriage. (Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill) The nice couple had their first-born child one year after getting married. Diana was born July 11, 1909. The second child was a baby boy and he was named after Winstons father. They had named the baby boy Randolph he was born May 28, 1911. Sarah was the third child born she was born October 7, 1914. Marigold the fourth child was born November 15, 1918. Marigold only lived untill she was three years of age. She died from an illness. The last child was Mary born September 15, 1922. Mary is the only child of Winston’s still living in our age and time. She is well over eighty

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