Why Is A Father Important Role

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Why Fathers Important And play a Major Role A father have a big impact of their child life because its nothing like having a father to get that man part of your life. Although some believe that fathers do not play an important role, Fathers are vital in their children’s lives. Some people believe fathers don’t play major role. A mother does not think a father role is important to as a they say because a mother could do everything as male as care for the child could be there as a father figure as a single parent. A mother would not think that a father is a major part in the child lives because she have to do as much as a father. It prove that a mother is a big part of taking care of the child because she …show more content…

Some people believe that boys hard much harder without a male figure not around.Boys are much hard to raise than girl because you have to teach them to be a man (Gross) This detail is important because a mother can raise a daughter to become a lady but she can 't really teach a boy to become a man to keep him away from trouble Is showing you a mother can only do but some much so thats why the need a father figure to help with a boy in to protect a girl .This detail is important because the father is more physical than a mother would be on their child get in trouble or in …show more content…

"Father involvement in schools is associated with the higher likelihood of a student getting mostly A 's."(Nord, Christine Winquist) .Why this important detail because they saying if both parents stay together it would be better the child because he would be happy This prove my argument by saying a child that have both parents would do better in school . A child that have both of their parents normally have more good relationships with who they go with working harder (WHY DADS MATTER by Father John Flynn, LC). This is important because if a mother and daughter teach their child together because the child would be watching them and they would want to be like them It prove the argument because a child would want to see both of their parents because he would want what they have to become more like them Emotion Coaches are parents who listen to their children 's feelings, see the sharing of feelings as an opportunity for intimacy, and validate their children 's emotions ( WHY DADS

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