Why Do Athletes Do Drugs Are Bad?

527 Words2 Pages

Reese Pate
Nowell, 4th
5-8-14 Research Paper

Why do people think that drugs in sports are bad? Some athletes should just ask themselves one question: “Do we really want to harm our bodies and tarnish the image of sports in order to be successful?” (Scott) “Athletes, footballers and all kinds of athletic people take many different types of drug. They do it to make their performance better. “(Unknown ) Athletes have the right to decide what they put in their body.
People think that drugs are bad. They can enhance their performance. The question is, what is a drug? “A drug is a chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body, can alter normal bodily function.Many drugs have been banned in sport if they are deemed to provide an unfair advantage, pose a health risk, or are seen to violate the ‘spirit of sport’.The use of banned drugs by athletes is referred to as ‘doping’. The International Olympic Committee (IOC), and more recently, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have been leading the way in the battle against drugs in sport.( University of Ulster). Why do athletes th...

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