Persuasive Essay On Soldiers Health

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Canadian military soldiers have been fighting for the country’s freedom and justice for many years. Soldiers have been dedicating their lives to protect the citizens of Canada by facing horrible circumstances such as killing, injuries, and new environments, which leave the soldiers’ well-being in a devastating condition. In recent years, the issue of soldiers’ health has become more apparent. Soldiers are coming back from deployment with poorer health statuses then pervious years and not getting the services they need, affecting the various strategies health care providers particularly nurses use. The government or military has not done enough to provide soldiers with adequate resources after deployment, mainly focusing on providing them with …show more content…

Different ways one can avoid sickness and promote self-care, manage unusual circumstances and makes decisions to enhance health. An individual lifestyle is influenced by economic, environmental, and social factors that impact health choices. () Due to varies behavioral and social health issues such as financial problems, occupational and family/relationship concerns that influence the development of serious behavioral health concerns such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse and aggressions. () These behavioral and social health factors are detrimental to soldiers health, studies show that military soldiers are 3 times more likely to commit suicide compared to an average civilian. () Research has shown that after month of soldiers being home only 36% appearing to be coping well, demonstrating that majority of soldiers have poor coping skills that can increase chances of risk beahviours such as alcohol abuse, tobacco, inactivity, substance abuse and poor nutrition (). Alcohol abuse is the predominant way soldiers cope with posttraumatic stress acquired from combat zone; this can increase chances of certain medical issues. () About 30% of soldiers deal with stress through smoking cigarettes, which can cause medical concerns such as cancer. Soldiers also have poor personal health practices due to the rough environmental factors. The warm weather in the country and difficultly getting fresh fruits and vegetables require soldiers to adapt to poor nutritional habits that lead to them losing weight and result in critical health concerns. All in all, the different determinants not only impact soldiers’ health but also effect nursing

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