Virginian Luxuries Analysis

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In the 19th century, white supremacy was established into the foundation of the United States and as black people made efforts to integrate, in turn, white individuals were afraid of the notion of a black planet and the possible collapse of white people’s social structure once black men became their sexual equals. While both paintings contain similar elements such as the mix of both black and white people, women and men, free and enslaved, the power dynamics between the black and white man in each image differs. The underlying theme presented by the Amalgamation Waltz points to the elite, as well as middle class white men’s sense of losing their power as the black men waltz the night away with the white women. The Virginian Luxuries, on the …show more content…

The painting clearly refers to the period of slavery, presenting the unequal roles between black and white individuals. The artists paints the image in a way that both exposes and ridicules the actions of the white man. A black woman being kissed by a white man suggests that she is a slave and therefore in a relationship that was enforced and sexually violent. African American women, as slaves, were subject to the practice of sexual exploitation in the 19th century. Women were treated as property as they were continuously harassed, raped, and beaten by masters as white men with authority took advantage of their slaves. While women were appeared to be consenting to the mistreatment, no safeguards existed in order to protect women from such abuses, and were left with no choice but to engage in sexual activity with their masters. The black man in the image, on the other hand, is subject to being hit, a way of enforcing slavery. The two black figures, are in essence, a form of “luxury” for the white men as the black man is being deprived of his rights by his owner and is used as a tool through work in the fields, while the woman is used as a “luxury” that satisfies her owner through fulfilling the white man’s sexual

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