What it takes to be a Doctor

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The human body is such an advanced machine that there is a science dedicated to its structure and maintenance, medicine. There are so many things that can go wrong with us and so many parts of us that there are several branches of this science ranging from cardiology (study of the heart) to urology (study of the urinary system) to oncology (study of cancer). From a very young age, I have wanted to enter this field of study; my entire life to this point has been dedicated to reaching my goal. Through my personal experiences with cancer and observations of people around me getting sick and even passing away, my passion for medicine, and science in general, has been solidified. However, as I have spent time researching careers in medicine, specifically doctors, I have come to realize that there is a lot of things required of those in the medical field. Doctors must develop great time management skills, social skills, leadership skills, and self-discipline. Time management is highly important for everyone, especially those who prevent and treat illness. One commonly cited and widely used technique is referred to as the ABC Technique, or “priority system” as originally described by Alan Lakein (Brunicardi et al, 1996). By organizing ones tasks in A, B, and C categories by importance, one is able to complete their tasks in a timely and efficient fashion. Another commonly adopted time management system is the Natural Laws Technique (Brunicardi et al, 1996). Originally created by Benjamin Franklin, the Natural Laws Technique is done by first establishing goals then working backwards to create a plan to reach said goals (Brunicardi et al, 1996). This can be done on a yearly, monthly, weekly, even a daily basis. This technique preserves ... ... middle of paper ... ...ll senses of the word. In conclusion, my internship experience was very rewarding in many ways. I was able to see and do things that otherwise I would never have been able to experience. I’ve learned the importance of time management skills, social skills, leadership skills, and self-discipline in careers in medicine. Through my time spent with my mentor, I have actually began to consider even more a profession in surgery rather than being a physician in the future. What I end up deciding, however, only time will tell. This project as a whole has really been an awesome way to learn about a field of study that I will one day be a part of and has only solidified even more my passion for medicine. For those who are considering any profession, I would highly advise that they find a mentor to shadow because you never know if that job is the one you really want to enter.

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