Personal Narrative Essay: What I Can Change My Life

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Six hundred and fifteen days since my life changed forever. Six hundred and fifteen days since I thought I knew what I wanted for the rest of my life. It’s crazy how one day, six hundred and fourteen days ago, could change my life forever.
Rewind back to that cold, snowy day of January 16th, 2014. It seemed as though I am experiencing an ordinary, bland day in my first hour Latin class. As I was learning about how Brutus committed the ultimate betrayal against Caesar, I was anxious to hear a surprise that my best friend Allen mentioned to me earlier that week. Allen and I had been in the same Latin class together since freshman year, so you could say we had created a friendly bond. Over the next two years, we shared laughs, smiles, and similar frustrations as we continued to grow as individuals in the classroom setting. As I look back on these times, I should have known what the secret was, but my naivety did not allow me to look past my friendship with him. I never saw Allen in a romantic setting, even when he started to ask me, “how to ask out a girl.” I knew little about this because I know …show more content…

We increased the amount of time we spent together and how much we talked. Allen also started to walk me to my classes, but I viewed it as, “oh, my class is just on the way to his.” With all of that set aside, one of our common interests which was a basketball team, was set to come to Milwaukee. I had planned on going, but I knew it would be better if I had my best friend with me. In that case, I asked him what he was doing that day, and he said he was busy. I took that to heart because I didn’t want to go to a basketball game by myself especially if I knew that there was someone who loved the team just as much as I do. Little did I know, Allen planned a surprise birthday present for me to go to the game with him. Eventhough the game was after my birthday, it was the greatest present I’ve ever

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