What Factors Influence the Government

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When most people think of government and changes in policies they think institutions or branches of the government. however these are only the final stages in the process. There are many other factors the influence the government and the way in which it functions. Many other factors influence and help to bring about these changes. Some of these are other factors are the media, interest groups, and public opinion.

The media in America has evolved since the founding of the country. In the beginning there was only one form of media available, that of newspapers and other print material. As the country has grown so has the amount and different forms of media. In addition to print, there are now radio, television, and recently the Internet. All of these are forms of entertainment, but it can and should also serve other functions more iatrical to the lives of a given population. When it comes to the government, the media is supposed to function in three roles. James Wilson describes these as the roles, "of gatekeeper, scorekeeper, and watchdog for the federal government." The gatekeeper role is that of introducing or keeping a topic in the national mindset. Recently global warming has become a topic of great discussion. This can be found in all aspects of the media: movies, news, books, bogs, topics of talk radio, and others. By bringing these issues to the public the media hopes to initiate or reform policy and legislation, but bringing these issues to the public does not ensure action will be taken. It is up to the public to take interest and do something about it.

Another function the media has is that of the scorekeeper. This function is that of making or breaking politicians depending on the coverage given to them. If ...

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... which the questions are asked, the words used showing bias within a question, and the kinds of answers provided for the question can all have an effect on the results and therefore on the perceived public opinion.

As we have seen the media has three functions when it come to the government. These functions or roles are gatekeeper, scorekeeper, and watchdog. These roles help to change policy, help politicians win or lose elections, and keep a check on the government. Interest groups are people joined together by a common cause who wish to change policy. Sometimes the can be use for the wrong ends, but they are still a vital part of the system. True public opinion can never be certain. Though many seek this out; it is always just out of reach. It is only when these opinions are evident in interest groups and the media that it can help shape governmental policy.

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