Strengths And Improvements Of Benjamin Franklin's Plan Of Action

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1. In your own words, what did Ben Franklin do and why did he do it? Provide adequate detail to demonstrate your understanding of his plan of action.
Benjamin Franklin created a system of 13 virtues that if you went without fault in any of these areas you’ve reached moral perfection. He didn’t think he himself would be guilty in committing error in these areas but he conducted a trial on himself and found that he had fault in several areas. He then took the method of clearing one virtue a week for 13 to weeks to reach his goal of complete behavior modification. He knew that in doing so it would not be easy in correcting himself he had prayers and mottos to keep him focused along the way, he soon began to realize his strengths and weaknesses. He received self-fulfillment of completing weeks getting closer to is ultimate goal.
2. .If we look at Franklin’s program as an experiment employing operant conditioning, what was the reward / reinforce? How successful or unsuccessful do you think this approach would be if you were to execute it and why?
The reward that franklin received was self-satisfaction of himself becoming whole and a better person. Also a reward was clearing another week to complete the …show more content…

As college students our budgets are often limited and we have to make a dollar stretch, but the opportunity and desire to spend money is always there. Through error we learn the importance of saving and not spending excessively. The easiest I believe would be order, as college students we all have some form of order in our lives. Without order it would be extremely difficult to reach this step in our lives. What may be order to one student may be complete confusion to another student. Examples where order would appear in our lives would be our note taking and study habits, our balance between school and everyday obstacles, or simply how we clean our

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