What Amount Will Result in the Highest Launch Possible?

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Developing steady rockets has taken much testing and experimentation. Many changes have been made do develop the best rocket possible. A lot of time and effort goes into finding out these things; it is not easy. America was behind in the use of rockets. It took a while to discover the basics and build from them. The development of rockets was a long process. Gunpowder was invented in China before 1100 CE. The Chinese most likely first used military rockets in the mid-1100s, followed by the Arabs and Europeans in the mid 1200s. Around 1300 the first detailed, written descriptions of rocket technology were found in Arabic and European manuscripts. Eurasian civilizations knew and started using rocket technology around 1400. In the mid-1600s rockets started to appear in military manuals. Indian trips used rockets against the British in the Mysore wars from 1780 to 1799. In 1805, William Congreve adapted the information that the Indians had on rocket technology to use for the Europeans. The British troops used the rockets that Congreve created against the Danes, French, and Americans from 1805 to 1815. In the 1820s, Congreve’s rockets were modified for use in lifesaving and whaling. In 1840, William Hale invented the first rocket without a stick (Riper xiii). In the 1870s, black powder rockets were not used as often as “tube” artillery started improving. From 1939 to 1945, amateur rocket societies were founded in the United States, the USSR, and Germany. In the late 1930s, government funding to invent storable liquid propellants, improve solid propellants, and other important technologies supported civilian engineers. From 1939-1945 guided missiles were used during World War II. Rockets have continued to progress since the mid 1900s (... ... middle of paper ... ...vered over a certain amount of time for a given weight of fuel (Bizony 12). Rockets have come a long way. They were discovered merely by accident. They were initially used for battle and entertainment. We have now used rockets to accomplish unbelievable things. This took much time and effort from a multitude of people. Rockets have been such an asset to countries throughout the ages. Works Cited Bizony, Piers. How to Build Your Own Spaceship: The Science of Personal Space Travel. New York: Plume, 2009. Print. Bowdoin, Van Riper A. Rockets and Missiles: The Life Story of a Technology. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004. Print. Miller, Ron. Rockets. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century, 2008. Print. Thompson, Milton O., and Curtis Peebles. Flying without Wings: NASA Lifting Bodies and the Birth of the Space Shuttle. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1999. Print.

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