Ways in Which Judaism, Islam and Christianity are Connected

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How are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity connected? There are only two ways in which you can connect these three religions. The first is the fact that all three are monotheistic faiths that believe in one God. The other is through our lineage, traced way back to the “father of many nations”, Abraham. Abraham is looked at by these religions as the father of them and is very crucial to many spectrums of each religion. Although they all have a connection with Abraham as their father, they all disagree on the occurrences of his life and what he did for each religion. Abram, which becomes Abraham, is called by God when he is seventy-five years of age to leave his homeland of Ur and travel to become the father of many nations. Abraham grew up in a family that sold idols in the Middle East suggesting to us that they were a polytheistic family. The significance of this is the fact that Abraham later became the first man to abandon all he has in life in order to follow God therefore making him a monotheist. Abraham is called by God to be the father of many nations and has a Covenant with God. This bodily Covenant of circumcision is upheld in the Jewish and Muslim religion. All three religions portray similarities and differences of what Abraham has done for them. Abraham unites all three in that he is the father of all three nations and is highly regarded in each religion. God reveals his plan for Abraham to the Jews by offering to Abraham children as numerous as grains of dust on the earth and stars in the sky. To the Christians, God calls on Abraham’s faith that He would bring him a son. This faith, Paul wrote, made Abraham “the father of who believe.” Yet Muhammad of Islam also refers to his own messages as a restoratio... ... middle of paper ... ... Evangelical movement. Last, Hagee believes Jeremiah prophesizes the Holocaust. The controversial part of this interfaith dialogue is the fact that Pastor Hagee claims that God intended for the Holocaust to occur as “prophesized in Jeremiah”. This is very offensive to the Jewish groups that were listening to him. In order to fix this problem, Pastor Hagee would need to be corrected and be with and for the Jewish people he represents. In conclusion, does what we believe matter or is how we act more important? I feel that you cannot separate what we believe from how we act because whatever you truly believe will ultimately determine how you act, if we truly believe that Jesus paid our debt in full, than our good works will not come from compulsion rather from gratitude. Whereas if you think that you are saved by works, your works will result from compulsion.

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