Compare And Contrast Christianity And Judaism

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In earlier lessons, it was seen that religions sided towards worshiping many gods which is known as polytheistic, however, Judaism began to rise which believed in one mighty God and from it Christianity and Islam originated. Due to these three religions being monotheistic and developed from Judaism, they possess many similarities, yet since they are different religions there are also major differences between them. For example, “as opposed to Jewish faith, which was founded on a common ethnic identity, Islam opened its arms to any and all comers – a feature it shared with Christianity” (Sayre 295). “But unlike Christianity, [Islam] did not draw any special distinction between the clergy and the laity” (Sayre 295). In essence, Islam is more …show more content…

History gives people the ability to look back at the past and see what happened and prevent what went wrong in the past from occurring in the future. The knowledge of history is particularly helpful for religion. In 74 CE, in Masada, Jewish rebels would not give in to Roman authority so instead, “each man was responsible for killing his own family and then, because suicide is strongly discouraged by Jewish faith, the rebels drew lots and killed each other in tern” (Sayre 245). This instance is just one of the many revolts that the Jews were involved in, each revolt shows their dedication to their religion by not giving in and changing who they are and by only making it so one man had to go against his belief and kill himself. As Christianity developed, it “would come to argue that humankind is inherently good, and even if fallen in sin, is capable of repentance” (Sayre 249). Nothing is ever the same as when it originally developed, Judaism became the foundation of many religions. Humankind is perceptive to evil, nonetheless, it has the ability to suppress what is wrong and do what is right. Islam was able to spread its religion in the region that it did because most of the people, “although Christian, were the same linguistic and ethnic background of” Muslims (Sayre 294). It is merely instinct for people to take to something that has a sense of …show more content…

Beliefs are the soul teachings of written literature involving a religion. Within the Jewish religion there were individuals who were more conservative (non-Christian Jews) and individuals who were more liberal (Christian Jews). “The major distinction [between the two] was that Christian Jews believed in Jesus’ resurrection and status as Messiah, while non-Christian Jews did not (Sayre 250). Since traditional Jews believe that Messiah had not yet come to lead them into everlasting peace, they do everything they can to follow the correct path so that when he does come they will be sin free and have everlasting peace. “The promise of resurrection [is] the foundation of Christian faith” (Sayre 248). This promise of having the chance of spending eternity in heaven fuels Christians to follow the straight and narrow path through life, but since they are human, they are perceptive to sinning. God knows that people are not perfect so if Christians show their faith in him, he will forgive them for their sins. “Muslims believe that human beings possess immortal souls and that they can live eternally in heaven if they surrender to Allah and accept him as the one and only God” (Sayre 287). Simply by believing and devoting their self to one God, Muslims have the ability to live in heaven for eternity with their

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