Water Consumption Worldwide and Water Waters

523 Words2 Pages

Water is among one of the worlds’ most valuable resources, and although roughly 70% of the earths’ surface is made up of water, only 1% percent of that can be used for human consumption, another 2% is water in glacier ice and the next 97% is salt water that we cannot consume unless it has undergone an expensive process, desalination.

Studies on my topic:

Water Consumption Worldwide:

1. Our water is used in various ways and it contributes to almost everything that we use on a daily bases. On a worldwide scale, 70% of our water is used in agriculture, 20% is used in industry and the last 10% is used for household purposes. In industrialized places, such as Belgium, more than half of the water that would typically be used for household purposes is used in industry. The demand for fresh water has tripled over the last 50 years, increasing to about 64 billion cubic metres being needed for the world.(1cubic m = 1000 litres.) Changes in lifestyle and eating habits have resulted in more water being required, production of biofuels also have a huge impact on the demand of water (around 10...

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