Victimization And Victimization By Bullying

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Victimization by Bullying People commit acts of self-harm and attempt suicide on a regular basis; the mental issues that cause suicidal thoughts and actions are often linked to victimization by bullying. When individuals survive they often report similar mindsets and emotions such as, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and hopelessness, which impact mental health and cause them to make impulsive decisions regarding their lives. Victims of bullying are more likely to experience the mental issues that affect cognitive function and emotional stability then people that have never experienced bullying personally.
The negative behaviors of bullies reflect underlying insecurities within their personal image of them self; jealousy, distrust, …show more content…

They are branded by the fear and the intimidation inflicted upon them has reduced them to a fractured spirit lacking determination. There is only a short amount of time before the victim begins to believe and consider the words, threats, and accusations of their tormentor and decide that a life of torment isn’t worth living. Bullying and suicide have become a common association in recent years as bullying has become prevalent among adolescents. “According to the 2005–2006 national Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Survey, 34.4 % of U.S. students in Grades 6 through 10 reported bullying others in the past 30 days (Ha, 2015). However, rates of verbal bullying perpetration were higher (i.e., 37.4 %), while rates of relational bullying were slightly lower (i.e., 27.2 %; Wang, Iannotti, & Nansel, 2009). About 27.8 % of youth reported bullying victimization (School Crime Supplement; Robers, Kemp, & Truman, 2013), however rates of specific forms of victimization are higher (e.g., 41.0 % reported relational bullying victimization and 36.5 % reported verbal bullying victimization; Wang et al. 2009). Further, bullying is an international problem and in a sample of 202,056 youth from 40 countries, 26.9 % reported involvement in the bullying dynamic (Craig et al., 2009)” (Evans 365-375). Bullying is a widespread issue, causing harm to the social dynamic of today’s youth and impacting the way victims maintain …show more content…

Workplace bullying is a frequently occurring problem and causes conflict within the ranks of a profession; this type of bullying is found most predominantly in the field of healthcare. Unlike school bullying, work place bullying is reported to take place between authority figures and subordinates. No matter the circumstance bullying in the work place causes problems with self-esteem and the capability to acquire healthy relationships between coworkers.
No matter the circumstance, bullying is a growing problem for all people and causes pain and suffering for victims, but there are ways to prevent bullying and raise awareness of the ever-growing issues that it inflicts on victims. Ultimately, it is up to the public, parents, and school system to reduce the amount of bullying by raising awareness, teaching, and investing time into the contributing factors, the bullies and

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