Vegetarianism: The Key to a Health-Conscious, Ecological America

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Undeniably, modern society has a love-affair with meat. Statistically, the evidence is monumental. Meat-consumption has actually quadrupled in the last 50 years alone (Motavalli). Yet, does it truly benefit contemporary health standards, and the natural environment?. Based on surprising evidence, it can be safe to label the love-affair an abusive one. According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 34% of American adults are currently obese, and a number of research places the blame on the ever-expanding amount of meat-consumption in American society. An increasing amount of evidence indicates vegetarianism is the necessary solution to shape a society that is health-conscious, and environmentally-proactive.

Vegetarianism is associated with varying degrees of diet choices, yet they all conjoin on the same basic principle: that is, to abstain from meat. For some vegetarians, known as vegans, animal products such as dairy and eggs are prohibited as well. Pescetarians allow for consumption of fish and seafood. The level of diversity for available options is exceptional, yet the practice is still greatly underappreciated by the general public. A recent survey conducted at College of the Sequoias in Visalia, CA found that 78% of the respondents have not ever considered a vegetarian lifestyle a strong contender to diminish the current health epidemics at hand. It is unsurprising, given the amount of ambiguous information generally available for public intake.

Although statistics rule in favor of vegetarianism, it is inaccurately disputed by the meat-consuming opposition. One popular argument maintains that balance is essential to constitute exceptional health (Trapp). Of course, a bala...

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...Must-Have Guide For Successful Debate. International Debate Education Association, 2007. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 25 Nov. 2011.

"Vegetarianism Is the Right Moral Choice for Many Reasons" by Brian Solomon. Vegetarianism. Debra A. Miller, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2010. Brian Solomon, "Ethics and Vegetarianism: Why What We Eat Matters," Progressive Cogitation, March 2006. Reproduced by permission.

Vegetarianism. Douglas Dupler. The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. Vol. 5. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2006. p2811-2814. Word Count: 2470.

Weber, Michael A. Personal Interview. 23 November 2011.

Wolfson, Marisa Miller. "An Inconvenient Food: The Connection Between Meat and Global Warming." USA Today (Farmingdale) Vol. 136, No. 2748. Sep 2007: 20-22. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Nov 2011.

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