The Importance Of Vaccine

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Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose. (“Immunizations,” 2014) Vaccinations help the human body develop antibodies to fight off different diseases. Vaccinations were earlier tested on subjects to test the effectiveness of it. They have been redeveloped over the years and have been proven to be effective in combating diseases. The majority of vaccinations were designed to be given during the childhood years. For years, parents have been advised to give their child vaccinations as a preventative measure. After the birth of a child, parents are asked to keep up with scheduled vaccinations and doses. Failure to do so could prevent the child from entering public school. It could also lead to the spread of …show more content…

It is important that parents receive correct information regarding vaccines. A pilot program in Washington stated is mobilizing parents to expand the conversation about the importance of vaccinating children. (McGill, 2015). This conversation will allow parents and healthcare providers to form a trusting bond and develop a plan of action. This plan of action includes vaccinating a child in a timely manner with correct vaccines. It also serves as a monitoring tool to be used by providers to ensure the child is up to date with vaccinations.(Keselman et al 2014) Other parents-“unintentional non-adherents”-slip off the vaccination schedule because of a variety of logistical and socio-demographic factors. While these parents are generally aware that childhood vaccination is important, their lack of knowledge contributes to low vaccination rates. (Keselman et al 2014) Parents refuse vaccinations because they are not given information regarding benefits and risk associated with each

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