Essay On Kidney Infection

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Urinary Tract Infection, also known as UTI, occurs in two common locations, the bladder and kidneys. The kidneys are important organs that aid in filtering out waste products from blood and maintaining water distribution throughout the body. The waste products are filtered out via bladder, which is the reason of the bladder being the second site for the infection. A normal human being has two kidneys, one on left and right side, a bean shaped organ, and is located at the back of the abdomen. “Each kidney is about 11.5 cm long, 5-7.5 cm broad, 5 cm thick, and weight about 150 grams” (HealthInfoNet, Paragraph 2). Furthermore, a bacterium named Escherichia coli lives in both the kidneys and the GI tract. E. coli is part of the human body and produces …show more content…

The scientific name of a kidney infection is known as pyelonephritis. There are two types of pyelonephritis infections, acute and chronic. Acute pyelonephritis is sudden and limited and can be cured/treated using antibiotics. However, if it is a chronic infection, it is long-lasting and occurs due to birth defects; it can lead to scarring in the kidneys, as well. Kidney infections can occur in both men and women. Although, according to Chih-Yen’s study of chronic infection, “Females (36.1%, 60/166) were more prone to have upper UTIs than males (11.8%, 13/110)” (Chih-Yeh, 2014; Chih-Yeh et al., 2014). In addition, age is not an important number due to the presence of Escherichia coli present in everyone’s body. It is dependent on time and health of an individual for the infection to present itself. Moreover, a study on children and adolescent transplantation concluded that, “UTI was uncommon in children after the first month of transplantation. Two significant risk factors for UTI were female gender and neurogenic bladder in this transplant population” (Fallahzadeh, 2011; Fallahzadeh et al., 2011). From the peer-reviewed papers, it is clear that females are more prone to UTI infection, overall, than …show more content…

It occurs due to the overproduction of Escherichia coli and/or after kidney transplantation. The transplantation can lead to two different types diseases, chronic (long-lasting) or acute (sudden and limited). The kidney’s function are water/fluid balance, removing waste products from blood, and regulation of blood pressure via enzyme Renin. The infection is treatable via prescribed antibiotics. Lastly, pyelonephritis can be prevented by maintaining a positive healthy body. I would like to conclude that learning about pyelonephritis has made me have a different view on the importance of a fit

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