Homeless In The Homeless World

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There are currently over 200 million people living on this earth with no place to call their home. England contains a very small percentage of this population, around .002%, while its capital, London, holds an even smaller amount. This small amount is not surprising, because the United Kingdom has a very encompassing Safety Net. This Safety Net is in place to help those who are or are about to become homeless. In fact the United Kingdom’s Safety Net is one of the most comprehensive in the world (“Homelessness Facts and Figures”). Unfortunately many people still end up homeless, over 6,000 in the city of London. Many, more fortunate people, strive to help those sleeping on the streets, whether on their own or through a charity like St. Mungo’s on Broadway. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is an unfortunate amount of people who are not only apathetic, but cruel to the people left in a tough situation. These people, and all other people, are homeless too, searching to find a home in heaven. Humans are not …show more content…

This is partially possible due to the many people who are able to compare themselves to the homeless and offer help to them (“Real Life stories of Homeless People”). Often these people work through charities. A notable homeless charity in London, England is St. Mungo’s on Broadway. Many charities like St. Mungo’s offer means to escape the streets, in fact all the outreach programs in the city have a No Second Night Out Policy. This means that the charity workers try their best to make sure that no person spends two consecutive nights sleeping rough. This policy has been rather effective which is shown by the database which collects information on the homeless in London, CHAIN, has found that only 3% of the homeless has been found sleeping rough in each quarter of the year (“Homelessness Facts and

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