Triumph of Hitler Prior to the Second World War

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Essay Title: ‘Hitler aimed to recreate German economy and society and subordinate them to a war of racial supremacy.’ How did he embark on these plans in the 1930s prior to the outbreak of the Second World War? The Elections of January 1933 saw the Nazi party finally gaining a majority vote in the Reichstag effectively enabling President Hindenburg to give the go ahead for Hitler, the new chancellor to form a new government, implementing Nazi Policy. With the economy in ruins and the reparations lasting after the war, bankruptcy threatened with also over six million of the general public unemployed. Hitler and his Nazi party saw fit to imply their policies by recreating German society and economy. Hitler and his Nazi counterparts faced the daunting task of transforming the country’s misfortunes into precipitating circumstances through policies of being racially different from all traditional parties focusing on concepts of Volksgeimschaft meaning harmonious national community and creating Lebensraum meaning living space for the master race. These were to influence all areas of German existence. This answer will endeavour to assert how Hitler recreated German economy and society while subordinating the nation to a war of racial supremacy. In order to do so effectively it is essential to analyse and compare conditions of the Weimar German regime to that of the control under Nazi Government, also to examine the origins of the Nazi party relating to their ideologies while also ensuring to make reference to the Anti-Sematic nature of Hitler himself. During Hitler’s reign, policies were designed to bring every feature of people’s lives under Nazi control. Policies in terms of economy, society, race, foreign policy and education... ... middle of paper ... ...ed a single bodied state intended to quash all independent parties effectively drowning everyone in Nazi ideology. It is clear that German Society was displeased and disheartened with the state under Weimar control so Hitler proceeded to suppress the levels of unemployment while instilling some much needed prosperity and confidence back into the country. Everything within reach of the Nazi power was affected, from education to economics, all aspiring for mastery outlawing and out casting the groups that did not fit within the Nazi System. One of the primary reasons that allowed Hitler to embark on these plans was through his careful manipulation of existing wishes held by his state. He cleverly manipulated his own state through the use of Propaganda allowing him to recreate his own ideal nation, swallowing German economy and society into a war of racial Supremacy.

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