Toys R Us Case Study

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Toys “R” Us is a store “Where Toys are a BIG Deal.” It was Charles Lazarus’s dream to have a child oriented business and that is what he built. However he started out by having his own baby furniture store in 1948. The first toy he added to the inventory was a cradle gym and when it proved a successful product he added more toys to his inventory as well. Toys “R” Us became very popular and branched out worldwide, not only Toys R Us but Babies “R” Us and Kids “R” Us too! Toys “R” Us became a public company 1978 and is still very popular today with its iconic mascot Geoffrey® the Giraffe introduced in February 1960 and the catchy jingle, “I Don’t Want to Grow Up, I’m a Toys “R” Us Kid,” Toys “R” Us has become one of the most familiar and adored brands in the world. This store offers many products and services and states it very clearly with …show more content…

Toys R Us is the single largest toy retail store in the world. This means that how the business fits into the economy and how it affects other stores’ pricing, strategy, product offers, incentives, business decisions, etc. is quite significant. Toys R Us supplies a demand for toys to free market participants, and strives to be the biggest and best at doing so. They certainly have a comparative advantage in the selling of toys. Any toy company would want their toy to be accessible to the most people possible, and what better way than to get on the shelves (virtual even) of Toys R Us? They have a lot of money and this gives them advantages like buying exclusivity of a toy, spending more money on advertising/marketing than other businesses, accessibility, and speed of production. They spend money on running the business like any other business, and with their business at the top, everyone else is paying attention to their business decisions in order to react and stay competitive. Toys R Us’ impact in the toy market is undoubtedly

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