Archetype In Toy Story 2

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Toy Story Two: A Classic Journey of the Hero Story
From the call to the return, Toy Story Two is a modern example of Homer’s classic Journey of the Hero cycle. The movie Toy Story Two is taken right out of Homer’s archetype for his book the Odyssey. Both Toy Story Two and the Odyssey both go through a mundane world, the first stage that the hero does not want to be in, a call to adventure, and the point where the hero leaves the first world and goes to a different one. There is also a path of trails where hero goes on a new adventure meeting new people, and the Master of two worlds stage, when hero returns to old world as a changed person. All of these thing fall under the journey of the hero archetype. The next paragraphs will explain specific pieces from the movie and how they relate to the journey of the hero archetype.
The first section of the journey of the hero archetype is the …show more content…

This part is self explanatory. Woody returns and goes back to Andy’s house as a changed person or toy. Woody was changed because he learned new things about himself and his owner. He learned that his sole purpose is to make Andy happy and that Andy will always love him. This relates back to The Odyssey because after 20 years Odysseus comes home with lots of new knowledge about the world. It is easy to see that Toy Story Two and The Odyssey are related through their archetype. This is the journey of the hero archetype. This is basically a very standard way of writing stories and wrapping it around a basic model. The hero's journey archetype is interesting to study because if one follows the basic model the stary will be guaranteed to be interesting. The journey of the hero archetype is frequently used but yet almost all stories turn out interesting. It is fascinating to think that if lots of stories use the same model, how can they still be

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